York Bins API and Home Assistant

I have been using Home Assistant to automate various things at home. One of the things I thought would be useful was the ability for the system to inform me of when the next bin collection is, and what sort of collection this would be.

Thankfully York Council has an API telling you about their bin collections. This is documented at York Waste Collection Lookup

Home Assistant REST Sensors

Home Assistant helpfully can use REST sources as a sensor. Unfortunately the formatting of the data in the York API is not well arranged to be easy for Home Assistant to use - in particular Home Assistant is not easily able to handle returned data that is organised as an array of dictionaries.

People have made use of this in the past - for example see this example. However this makes multiple calls to the API, which is unfriendly, and relies on the API always returning its data in the same order in the array, which appears to not be specified.

Python Command Line Shim For Home Assistant

I decided it was better to put a shim in to pull the data from the API, do a little processing on the data - specifically changing the date format into something sane - and arrange these as a dictionary with some additional overall collection data around it.

This shim can be found in the Github repository at https://github.com/nigelm/york_bin_collection

A sample of using it would look like:-

  # York Bins Collection API - 3 sets, 1 for each bin
  - platform: command_line
    command: /config/york_bin_collection.py 100050567115
    name: Bin Collection
    scan_interval: 86400
    value_template: '{{ value_json.next_collection }}'
      - next_collection
      - next_collection_types
      - blackbin
      - greenbin
      - box
      - updated

and this would return the date of the next collection as the main value - currently 2020-04-24 - and the state attributes (reported as YAML) then looks like:-

next_collection: '2020-04-24'
  - blackbin
  BinType: GREY 180
  BinTypeDescription: Grey Bin 180L
  CollectionDay: FRI
  CollectionDayFull: Friday
  CollectionDayOfWeek: 5
  CollectionFrequency: Alternate Weeks
  CollectionFrequencyShort: WEEK 2
  CollectionPoint: FRONT
  CollectionPointDescription: Edge of Property at Front
  CollectionPointLocation: null
  CollectionType: GREY BIN/SACK
  CollectionTypeDescription: Grey Bin/Black Sack Collection
  ImageName: blackbin
  Locality: null
  MaterialsCollected: General Domestic
  NumberOfBins: '1'
  WasteType: GREY BIN/SACK
  WasteTypeDescription: Grey Bin/Black Sack Collection
  last: '2020-04-10'
  next: '2020-04-24'
  BinType: GREEN 180
  BinTypeDescription: Green Bin 180L
  CollectionDay: FRI
  CollectionDayFull: Friday
  CollectionDayOfWeek: 5
  CollectionFrequency: Alternate Weeks
  CollectionFrequencyShort: WEEK 1
  CollectionPoint: FRONT
  CollectionPointDescription: Edge of Property at Front
  CollectionPointLocation: null
  CollectionType: GREEN
  CollectionTypeDescription: Green Collection
  ImageName: greenbin
  Locality: null
  MaterialsCollected: Garden Waste
  NumberOfBins: '1'
  WasteType: GREEN
  WasteTypeDescription: Green Collection
  last: '2019-11-29'
  next: null
  BinType: BOX 55
  BinTypeDescription: Box 55L
  CollectionDay: FRI
  CollectionDayFull: Friday
  CollectionDayOfWeek: 5
  CollectionFrequency: Alternate Weeks
  CollectionFrequencyShort: WEEK 1
  CollectionPoint: FRONT
  CollectionPointDescription: Edge of Property at Front
  CollectionPointLocation: null
  CollectionType: KERBSIDE
  CollectionTypeDescription: Kerbside Collection
  ImageName: box
  Locality: null
  MaterialsCollected: 'Paper/Card : Plastic/Cans : Glass'
  NumberOfBins: '3'
  WasteType: KERBSIDE
  WasteTypeDescription: Kerbside Collection
  last: '2020-04-17'
  next: '2020-05-01'
updated: '2020-04-20 16:25:55.918518'
friendly_name: Bin Collection

This data can then be used in other automations - thats what I am going to look at next.